Is it MY time yet ?


Over the last few weeks, I can’t help but notice all of the engagements posted either on my Facebook or Instagram timeline.

CONGRATS to all those newly engaged!! I’m sure so many thoughts are running through your mind. Hopefully more exciting than uneasy. I applaud all of the men who have stepped up to the plate to let go of their bachelorhood and settle down with ONE woman. Keyword “ONE” woman. That also goes for the women. I hope you let that “Plan B” guy go. You know.. the guy you can call up and know he will always be there for you no matter what. Yes him. lol But Nonetheless, Congrats 🙂

But for all those still living that single life, don’t worry your time is coming. I can’t help but to cringe when I hear about stories of women who are killing themselves for a ring. Some women have even gotten desperate to the point where they take matters into their own hands. For no reason should a lady ask a man for his hand in marriage. Of course I have to hit you with the bible verse Proverbs 18:22 “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord”.  Ladies when a man wants something, he will do ANYTHING in his power to make sure it happens. So if after 7 years and the word ” marriage” has never left his mouth on his own without you bugging him about it… not being a hater…but.. might be time to let that situation go. He got comfortable with the situation. You are already playing “WIFEY” without the ring. So why should he bother to elevate the relationship to marriage? Sad but it does happen. We are not getting any younger so don’t waste your time.

And men can we stop investing so much in a woman YOU KNOW you don’t see being your wife. Stop selling false dreams of what could be, which is NEVER! And of course these situations also can be vice versa. No one wants to put in time, work, energy, and money for someone else to reap THEIR BENEFITS. Sometimes once we get stuck in a situation it is hard to let go. Then the first year goes by. Second year goes by. Third year goes by. Fourth year goes by. Fifth year goes by. You get where I’m going here. No judgment here, because I also dealt with a situation for over four years on and off. I agree it is hard to let go, but I promise when you eventually get over that situation, you will be EXTREMELY HAPPY you let go! When you know someone for many years, you want to see the best in them, but sometimes the best thing is to let go. And that is what I had to do for myself! Don’t block your future blessing ladies AND gentlemen. And for those who are in a relationship right now and wondering when that next step will come. I hate to be cliche.. but.. what is meant to be will be! I would advise you to have yourself in order before that. Marriage is a LIFETIME COMMITMENT! LIFETIME! So make sure you are truly ready for that commitment. Have you accomplished your personal goals? Are you truly ready to live life not only for yourself but for another human? No I’m not married, but I do know once those vows are exchanged, priorities within the relationship may change drastically.

So if your engaged, GOOD LUCK! If you are in a relationship wondering what the next step will be, GOOD LUCK. And if you are single, here is a BIG GOOD LUCK (jk)!

-Madam Gech

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