How Can a Man recover from cheating?

Question: Hello Madam Koverage. My question is , how can a man recover from cheating? I am a genuinely good dude, but I have made the mistake of cheating. I make no excuses for it and own up to my wrong doing. I know I’m not a dog, but I didn’t stand strong in the face of temptation. So how can a man recover from that in a relationship or even after the heartbreak was too much to continue the relationship?

Answer: I just have to be straight up and honest… we all make mistakes but cheating is one thing that should not be tolerated in a relationship. I’m not sure how long the relationship was, but honestly it doesn’t matter, what’s wrong is wrong. I can appreciate you owning up to your mistake and putting it out on the table. You could have kept it to yourself, but I have a relatable motto I stand by which states “everything that happens in the dark, always comes to light”. I am sure that you really are a great dude, but unfortunately got caught up in a bad situation. Where exactly were you to get so caught up? Was this someone you previously knew, or that your ex knew? What was the state of your relationship when it happened? So many questions that only you can answer. But you have two options.. 1. If the relationship is one that you want to save, and you think MAYBE down the road, your ex would be willing to forgive you, what efforts and attempts will you do to prove your love and trust again? You have A LOT and I mean A LOT of damage control to do. Because it is not easy to know the one you cared for, shared intimate moments with someone else. If she cheated on you.. would you even give her a second chance? Be truly honest with yourself. 2. If the damage is too much… it is time to let go. You already hurt her, so it is time to let her heal, and yourself heal. It is never easy to say goodbye, especially if you have known the person for many years, but sometimes you just have to let go. Use this time to really regroup and make yourself a better person and man for your next relationship. Don’t start dating too quickly and get your mind clogged up, and not fully heal over this relationship, because you don’t want to bring any emotional baggage into your next relationship. I can’t predict the outcome, but whatever happens, just know with every action there’s a positive and negative outcome so good luck with everything! Hope that helps!





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